Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Happy New Year

A belated Merry Christmas and Happy New Year everybody!

We hope your Christmas was a wonderful time celebrating the Savior’s birth and getting together with loved ones.

It has been an eventful year or should I say “a year of love” as we had three 3 weddings in the family. It all started with my sister Cheryl to Sir Michael Patterson in February, then my nephew John to LeeAnn in April and then my chum/”other sister” Lorien in July to Mark Trepus (or Marcus Aurelius as he so graciously permits me to call him). Each wedding was beautiful and we were so thankful to be able to be a part of each one. Congratulations again to all you love birds!

Pastor Donavon…he’s been a busy boy this past year. Our church finds itself, and consequently our family, in transition with the resignation of the lead pastor. So, in the interim, Donavon’s responsibilities have increased to leading in music (we’ve noticed that often job responsibilities don’t “shift” in churches they just get bigger). So we are definitely in a stretching time when it comes to our faith. There are many unknowns for us right now that pose some challenges for us but we have seen God handle challenges before and we are REALLY curious as to what He’s up to at this stage in our lives. Our church has begun the pastoral search process and now we wait for God to reveal his direction for us. Well, I guess we can’t say that life is boring.

Mrs. King…she’s been a busy girl this year. I am a 3rd grade teacher at The River Academy and so, so thankful that I am there and that our girls have the opportunity to attend. It is a wonderful place and has brought about much growth for our entire family. True, it has been insanely busy since school started but my husband has been wonderfully supportive right down to the not-so-glamorous details like cooking dinner,, doing dishes and laundry. There is no way I could do this without his faithful support…thank you Juano!!!!!! You are a blessing indeed!!!!!!!!!!

Miss Katie….she’s been a reading girl this year. Reading is still one of Katie’s favorite pastimes especially if it’s in the fantasy genre. She also loves playing “elvish” type games with her school chums and has even created her own world (with accompanying maps etc.). Katie has also taken to cutting up old clothes and making new ones for various stuffed animals, dolls and, at times, for herself. Unfortunately she has a mother who knows nothing about sewing so we use non-traditional methods like staples, hot glue and Scotch tape. Though a blue ribbon from 4H is probably not in the cards she sure is having lots of fun and it’s enjoyable to watch. My personal favorite was when she made a hat out of some old tights that looked like a newborn’s cap with a topknot and a personal monogram. Proud of her creative efforts she wore it confidently to school on more than one occasion. You go girl!

Another HUGE treat for Katie this past year was a trip to Washington D.C. and Rome with Grandma and Grandpa King last February. This was quite an adventure! We left Auntie Cheryl’s wedding to deliver Katie to the airport for a 10 day trip. It was one of those times when you didn’t want to think too hard about how far away she was. Her time abroad was wonderful and boy do Grandma and Grandpa know how to travel! They thoroughly took advantage of their time in both places. Katie’s favorite sites were the Lincoln Memorial and the Palatine Hill in Rome. Thank you Grandma and Grandpa…what great memories!

Miss Stephanie…she’s been a mothering girl this year. Steph’s latest thrill is her new American Girl doll, Zoe. I just finally figured out that I am a grandmother. There are now 5 place settings at the dinner table and I am often asked to pray for Zoe as I tuck Steph in at night. Zoe has even made us late to church for not being ready on time! Suffice it to say Steph LOVES playing with her new doll. Steph continues to be an imaginative sort and enjoys drama, her doll house and wants to become a babysitter. Stephie also possesses a generous nature. This Christmas she bought an American Girl doll for her sister entirely on her own. My eyes moistened up a bit when she told me of her desire to do this. She figured out how to make it happen and was so incredibly excited to give this to Katie. What an inspiration to witness this and even greater joy to share it with others. It is always quite amazing to me how God often uses our own children to teach us things and this was definitely one of those times.

Another highlight of our year was our vacation to Crater Lake and the California Redwoods. Thanks to some kind friends we had the opportunity to “camp” in style with a pop-up trailer. I am now a proud member of those who enjoy “froo froo camping”. Boy were we grateful for the little heater that kicked in at night when we hit freezing temperatures at Crater Lake. Even though there were a few bee stings and Mom had to sit in the backseat to avoid the I-am-about-to-meet-my-Maker view while driving up the side of a dormant volcano we had a marvelous time playing games, dipping our toes in a chilly Crater Lake, poking at campfires, almost getting our truck stuck in a Redwood “tunnel”, meeting Paul Bunyan, visiting the Oregon Coast, listening to sea lions and sampling “squeaky cheese” from the Tillamook Cheese Factory. Great memories J

Another year gone by…and in the year ahead our prayer for you is that you sense God’s loving presence. We are grateful for you in our lives and count you among our blessings. May God’s peace be yours in 2010!

~ Love,

Donavon, Sue, Katie and Steph

1 comment:

Karla Slonaker said...

very nice, very nice! Thanks for sharing! Was just thinking last night that its game time with the King girls! Have them give me a call!