Monday, December 7, 2009

Advent Devotional from our DS's wife Robbie Craker

Second Sunday of Advent, 2009

He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation. For by him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things were created by him and for him. –Colossians 1:15-17

Sometimes I forget that Paul’s letters given to us in the New Testament were just that, letters. He didn’t start out to write a sermon or have a theological discussion or treatise for the generations. He was writing a letter to people he loved and was in community with. As well as keeping in contact with the churches, he was addressing an issue that had arisen in the local church. I’m not sure how long he spent composing these letters – he was probably in a hurry to get them sent out. He wrote this letter from a Roman prison where he was awaiting trial. There were specific issues he was addressing in Colossae – a church he didn’t start and had never visited – however, he wrote to stem the tide of destructive behavior and belief in the church at Colossae.

I was reading in William Barclay’s book, The All-Sufficient Christ, and here are a few points he wants to make about what was wrong in Colossae. I want to paraphrase a few of these for you. It seems a very fitting to parallel with what has happened with our current, Western culture in relation to Christmas.

1. False teaching is a beguiling seduction

2. It is philosophy instead of religion – dealing with the mind instead of the heart

3. It’s based on human tradition

Now my thoughts –

For us, Advent isn’t just about the happy, warm feeling we have when we sit around the Christmas tree with family and friends. It isn’t just about the joy of giving and receiving gifts – these are beguiling seductions that can “hide” the true meaning of this season.

For us, Advent isn’t just about being a little kinder and gentler to people. It isn’t just about taking care of the homeless and needy so we feel better about spending on ourselves. It isn’t just about being open and caring. These are great “philosophies” that have similarities with religion – but don’t replace the “relationship” of true religion.

For us, Advent isn’t just about the family ornaments on the tree. It isn’t just about the right cookie recipe. It isn’t just about visits to Santa and the stockings hung on the mantle. While human traditions are meaningful they can subtly replace the Holy story of the first Advent of Jesus Christ.

For us, Advent is about remembering that Jesus Christ is the IMAGE of GOD. He is the FIRSTBORN over all creation. He is pre-eminent. He is above all. How “counter-culture” is the way He came into our world – the world He created and that exists for Him –a tiny, helpless babe, born to poor, but good people, in a humble town in the lowliest of places – a barn. This should cause us to rethink our lives and celebrations as we seek to “uncover” once again what His Advent means to us and to our world.

Father in heaven, we long to see and hear you in every place we find ourselves. We are looking for Your Son in our celebrations. We are looking for Your Son in our despair. We are looking for Your Son in those around us. Thank you for giving us Your Son so we can know You. Amen

A newer song by Paul Baloche – Creation’s King

All creation is a song waiting to be sung

All of nature like a prayer waiting for a tongue
But who will give it voice and make it's anthem ring
Or rise to lead a choir of all created things
Lord hear your people sing

Blessing honor glory power
To creation's King
Songs of earth and songs of Heaven
Join as one to bring
Blessing honor glory power to creation's King

All the nations are a song waiting to be sung
Every instrument and voice created for the One
The Maker of all things Majesty above
Who brought us back from death with such a costly love
What praise could be enough

Blessing honor glory power
To creation's King
Songs of earth and songs of Heaven
Join as one to bring
Blessing honor glory power to creation's King

To creation's King
Angels gathered round your throne
Every nation, nations singing
They all bow down to You alone

Blessing honor glory power
To creation's King
Songs of earth and songs of Heaven
Join as one to bring
Blessing honor glory power to creation's King

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