Monday, December 21, 2009

Advent Devotional from our DS's wife Robbie Craker

Monday, Fourth Week of Advent 2009

We look at this Son and see the God who cannot be seen. We look at this Son and see God's original purpose in everything created. For everything, absolutely everything, above and below, visible and invisible, rank after rank after rank of angels—everything got started in him and finds its purpose in him. He was there before any of it came into existence and holds it all together right up to this moment. And when it comes to the church, he organizes and holds it together, like a head does a body.

He was supreme in the beginning and—leading the resurrection parade—he is supreme in the end. From beginning to end he's there, towering far above everything, everyone. So spacious is he, so roomy, that everything of God finds its proper place in him without crowding. Not only that, but all the broken and dislocated pieces of the universe—people and things, animals and atoms—get properly fixed and fit together in vibrant harmonies, all because of his death, his blood that poured down from the cross.

–Colossians 1:15-20 (The Message)

We often talk about people who have “big hearts.” They’re always generous, kind, “yes” people. Sometimes we think of them as pushovers. They can’t say “no” to anyone and they give grace even when it isn’t deserved. Sometimes they seem naïve – they don’t look at people realistically. They’re always positive and go the extra-mile.

Can you even imagine how big the heart of Jesus is? It is so big that everything of God finds its proper place in him without crowding. The Apostle Paul often used the phrase, “I have you in my heart.” So just think of all those you have in your heart, now think of the heart of Jesus. He’s holding all of us in His heart – and it isn’t even crowded there. There’s room for everyone and all of creation.

This letter that Paul wrote to the Colossians was sent to take care of some scary theological drifts in the church at Colossae. Jesus is just one of many gods. Jesus wasn’t a real person – just a phantom. Jesus didn’t exist with God prior to creation. Wow! No wonder Paul wants to make it perfectly clear that Jesus is the perfect image of God and the He is the Creator and all God’s fullness dwells in Him.

Don’t lose sight of this Big Heart. Remember you are in His heart. Sometimes Satan tries to uses the circumstances of our lives to discourage us and we lose sight of the open heart of Jesus. Wherever we find ourselves – whatever the circumstances – Jesus has us in His heart. He’s generous, kind, full of grace that we don’t deserve. He’s positive and always goes the extra-mile for us.

To prove this to us, He emptied Himself of all but love, took on flesh and walked among us. This is how big His heart is. Now He is crying out for you at the right-hand of the Father. He has you in His heart and He’s pleading for you.

“Father, thank You, for Your open-heart towards us. Thank You for the big heart of Your Son. Thank You for giving us the Spirit to live in our hearts so that we can big-hearted for Your world. Amen”

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