Sunday, January 3, 2010

Growing up too fast

Our girls have asked before about getting their ears pierced. We have always told them it is their decision and to let us know if and when they are ready. Well, this week Stephie said she wanted to get her ears pierced. I did my best to talk her out of it, selfishly I don't want my baby growing up so fast. But I know that she will grow up regardless of whether her ears are pierced or not so we trudged over to to the mall today and pulled the trigger. Literally!

They were really busy today. As the technician was readying the supplies a rush of people came in and since she was the only sales clerk we had to put the big moment on hold as she helped other customers. Stephie was brave and no tears were shed. They grow up far too fast!

1 comment:

Skid said...

Yes they do grow up fast. I still see my 33 year old son as a young boy wearing his fireman's hat and riding his trike up and down the sidewalk. Then again my 28 year old daughter is still my little princess and will always be such. BTW thanks for the comment on my blog....although I never in a million years would have thought of Veggie Tales. I guess that shows the difference in our kids ages huh.