Monday, December 21, 2009

Wenatchee Nazarene Board to meet tonight

The Wenatchee Church of the Nazarene Board meets tonight at 6:30 to review several resumes they have received from our District Superintendent, Dr. Randy Craker. Please be in prayer throughout the day and as the board meets tonight that they would hear clearly from God how to proceed.

If they are in agreement as a board this meeting could lead to an interview with a candidate and the board in executive session. Meaning they would have an interview but the candidate would remain confidential at that point. Not until the board has voted to nominate the candidate as the next pastor and the candidate has accepted that nomination will the church body know the candidates name. At this time we will be given more information about the candidate and they will be invited to Wenatchee to meet the entire church family. Sometime shortly after this visit there will be a call for a vote by the members of the church on extending a call to this pastor. After the candidate is made aware of the vote tally they prayerfully consider the call to the church and accept or decline said call. As you can see, tonight is a very important night in the process. Hold our board members up in prayer and don't forget to pray for whoever the next pastor of this great church will be.

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