Friday, October 30, 2009

40 Days of Love Testimonies

November 8th will be our final Sunday in our 40 Days of Love campaign. We will have a combined service at 10:30 to extend our celebration of what God is doing in our midst.

If you have a story you would be willing to share with our faith community of how God has used our study of 1 Corinthians 13 to expand your capacity to love others I would appreciate you meeting me in Room 201 after either first or second service this Sunday November 1st. I'll record your testimony for use in the service on the 8th.

Keep letting the love of God flow through you and pour into our hurting world. I love the words of the song "The Face of Love" by Sanctus Real. Enjoy it by clicking the video below.

"You look more like the face of love every day".

Reformation Day

Most people know October 31st as Halloween but it is also the day that is celebrated as Reformation Day. This is the day that Martin Luther nailed his 95 thesis to the door of his Catholic church. He wanted to reform the Catholic church but ended up being excommunicated and the Protestant movement began.

The school that Sue teaches at and the girls attend, The River Academy, celebrates Reformation Day with costumes and activities from the early 16th century. Here are my girls in their costumes for the day.

Fall colors

Went for a hike today. Long overdue! I needed to be in God's beautiful creation and talk to God as I took pictures. Enjoy!

On the drive home I found some beautiful colors in the orchards that dot the Wenatchee Valley.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Pinelow Park

Our Northwest District campground is at a bit of a crossroads. The video below will explain the history of Pinelow along with some of the current needs. There will be an informational meeting with District Superintendent Dr. Randy Craker on November 1st at 6:00 PM at Wenatchee Nazarene to learn how you can be a part of the future of Pinwlow.

If you are a subscriber to this blog and are not able to play the video in the email you may go to to view the video.