Monday, August 17, 2009

General Assembly resolutions available online

If you didn't have time to watch General Assembly online and are wondering what kind of resolutions were passed and rejected I have a solution for you. The denomination recently made public the resolution page that until now only delegates had access to. You can get a flavor of the assembly by looking at what was accepted and what was rejected. You can view the page by clicking here.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

More Keith Green

I've been on vacation for the last week and a half. I'll share a little about that in a day or two but for now I wanted to get back to my continuing series of Keith Green video's.

Keith Green was a big success and had made lots of money for Sparrow records in the late 70's. When his contract was up with the label he had offers coming in from everywhere for lots of money. Just days after he had resigned with Sparrow for another few albums he felt that he had made a big mistake. He was convicted that selling his albums would be selling the gospel and he just couldn't be apart of that. God wasn't for sale!! He called the head of Sparrow and asked to be released from his contract. Amazingly enough the label agreed to tear up the contract and release him from his contractual obligation. Keith decided to offer his new album "So You Want to Back to Egypt" for free to anyone who wanted it. He accepted whatever people donated to fund his growing ministry and distributed his album directly. You couldn't buy the album in any store and because of that I never purchased the album but I still enjoyed the title song in the radio.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

More Keith Green

Keith Green was radical in his approach to evangelism. He followed Jesus' example of working with the least of these, he met as many physical needs as he could (at one point he owned several homes in his neighborhood to house all the people he was caring for) but never stopped short with the physical needs only. Keith dug deep into people's lives and introduced them to Jesus with reckless abandon.

Sometimes Keith was angered by how complacent the church was and this song I'm sharing today, "Asleep in the Light" is no exception. It's always been a challenge to me and I hope it is to you as well.

For those of you viewing this in your email, I know you can't see the video. You can click here to go directly to the blog entry and view the song.