Monday, November 16, 2009

What a privilege to watch God at work!!

It has been a pleasure to be a part of the journey of Shane and Crystal Endicott. The are real people with a transparency and authenticity that doesn't pretend to have it all together but does scream out "We love God!!" As often is the case, God has been preparing the Endicott's for something different and they didn't even know it. I'm not going to claim any clairvoyance, but I saw it happening I think before they did.

Shane has a clear calling to full time vocational ministry. He has enrolled in Nazarene Bible College online and will begin shortly. Last Sunday Shane came before the church board and shared his calling and the church board unanimously affirmed Shane's call by granting him a Local Minster's License. Yesterday the entire church body had an opportunity to affirm Shane and Crystal as the public presentation was made of his Local License.

I believe in you Shane and Crystal! I wish I could promise you smooth sailing with no bumps along the way, but I can't. God does promise to use you mightily if you will keep your servant's hearts attuned with Him, and you will be blessed by what He does through you!What a privilege to watch God at work!!


grammasnotes said...
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grammasnotes said...

Good words of affirmation. You're right on. They are cream of the cream, and we are blessed to watch God working in and through them.