Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Children sports schedules

One of the ways that I intentionally connect with young families and the children of our church is to attend as many of their activities as possible. Last night I went to Gabrielle Hegberg's soccer game and was fortunate to see her score a goal as time ran out in the game.

I would really like to receive a sports schedule from as many people as I can. I can't promise to make every game but I'll come to as many as I can. I'll bring along my camera and take pictures that I'll share with you and we'll have a great time talking about how wonderful your kids are. There's no age limit, I love watching teens battle it out as well.

Here's to a great year for Gabrielle and the rest of our student athletes.

1 comment:

grammasnotes said...

Hope you'll post that in the hall at church too. Great gift!